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How do CCEE workforce members working in CCEE program sites at different levels/tiers of quality vary on key characteristics including language spoken, highest level of education attained, tenure, and hourly wage?


Answering this question can help provide insight into the variation in CCEE workforce characteristics across sites as well as help understand disparities in professional development opportunities and compensation among CCEE programs at different levels of quality. To answer this question practitioner level information can be linked to site level information after identifying sites that participate in quality initiatives.

General Analysis Recommendation

Identify Program Sites Participating in QRIS

Select programs with indicated “Active” category in the option set for the Operational Status data element to include only programs currently in operation. The data element QRIS Participation History can be used to isolate program sites (Site ID) participating in the state’s QRIS by selecting the option “Program site currently participates in the QRIS.” The quality level of a program is indicated in the QRIS Score data element.

If the state does not have a QRIS, but has another quality improvement system or initiative, use the data element Quality Improvement Participation to isolate program sites (Site ID) participating in the state’s other quality improvement initiative by selecting the option “Program site currently participates in another QI initiative”.

Organize Program Sites Information into QRIS Tiers

Separate program sites into quality categories by using the data element QRIS Score. The number of QRIS levels will vary by state, so determining the number of levels at the top tiers is an individual decision left to the states. For each of the calculations below, create categories such as High/Low or High/Middle/Low of quality and compare the characteristics for each category.

Identify CCEE Workforce Members Employed at QRIS Program Sites at each QRIS Tier

Identify the CCEE workforce members who were employed at the QRIS program sites identified in the previous step by linking Practitioner Level information to Site Level information using Practitioner ID and Site ID.

Analyze Workforce Member Characteristics for those Employed at Each QRIS Tier

Highest Level of Education: Using the data element Degree or Certificate Type calculate the most common degree level by dividing the total number of “Yes” responses for each degree type by the total number of practitioners with a “Yes” response for any of the types. The degree type with the highest percent is the most common degree. Compare across each of the quality categories.

Average Annual Compensation: Use the data elements Hourly Wage, Hours Worked per Week and Months Worked per Year to calculate annual compensation for each workforce member. First, calculate the number of hours worked per year by multiplying the number of Hours Worked per Week by four to obtain the number of hours worked in a month. Then, multiply the hours worked per month by the Months Worked per Year to obtain the total number of hours worked per year. Multiply this number by the Hourly Wage. Average the annual compensation for all workforce members by summing the total of annual compensation by all workforce members and dividing by the total number of workforce members.  Compare across each of the quality categories. Average hourly wage may also be a variable of interest.

Tenure: Average the data element Years in Field and compare across each of the quality categories.

Language Spoken: The Common Education Data Standards (CEDS) provides a list of most languages other than English a practitioner might speak. This list is the data element Practitioner Language Code. Choose the languages most common in the state and total the number of “Yes” responses for those languages. Compare across each of the quality categories

Data Elements



Program Management

Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS)